Who is eightjabril?
Typically styled in all lowercase, eightjabril is a Swiss army knife of design skills. I have a life long resume of design work dating back to the DeviantArt era and have made my way to the likes of Vera Wang and Nike through pursuing design. Future plans for myself include a powerful clothing brand, and a strong Web3 presence.
What does eightjabril do exactly?
This is usually a hard question to precisely answer for the simple fact that I have a lot of abilities and skills in the design and creative department. Any creative endeavours are welcomed for inquiry for potential commission. But the skills I have include creative direction, creative consultation, brand/iconography design, motion graphic design, 3D design, video editing, photography, web design, packaging design, prototyping and more. Feel free to reach out in the contact section for pricing.
Are these designs AI?
I've recently began experimenting with AI in my work, primarily seeking AI-assisted tools and AI quality-of-life improvements in my designs rather than looking to release completely AI-created artwork. For the most part, I believe my work will always contain majority traditional design and art methods in the foreseeable future though.
How do I purchase work from eightjabril?
As far as a shop, products can be purchased here. As far as commissioning design work from me personally, that can be done via Instagram DM or the contact section on this website that you're currently on next to this FAQ section.